6th May 2016 - New server hybrid SSD migration

We realize that there is a drive capacity problem and architecture disc writing raid 5 on the server:
We see short slowness regularly, which is not acceptable in middle term.

It is not too late to do despite our latest SQL optimizations, but it takes more, in effect this server is only at 25% capacity, and there will inevitably be a read-write disk problem when it will be to its destination 50%.

We setup from now a new SSD hybrid server that will be mirrored RAID1 both SSD and with SATA drives also traditional raid 1. The SQL server and the OS will be on what's best performing there to rev up : SSD, and this remove a significant burden on the party or are stored clients datas: SATA. SATA part it will also be more effective than 2 times in reading, and 50% in reading.
Globally, this wil mulitply a lot the disk write/speed capacities, and then performance also, especially on SQL.

We take the time to do this migration will take place by 1-2 weeks IPs remain the same as the DNS, wholesale, you would have nothing to do.

A planned trouble ticket is opened for monitoring operations at the appropriate time.

More details :

Nous resterons en centOS 6.7 au vue des problèmes que nous avons rencontré sur notre proper serveur, pas de Beta possible !
The processor will be bi-core Intel 16c/32t engraved 22nm instead of bi-core 16c/16t from AMD 33 nm.
RAM will be DDR4 instead of DDR3
The new server will be located in Strasbourg instead of Gravelines, to promote southern :)

Friday, May 6, 2016

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