We implemented at nginx easily, replacing SPDY.
(It is anticipated that Apache will also have its version in a few weeks is the beta for now, but here is nginx that manages the http, this will not change much things)
Read :
It allows a gain of 5-10% on the sites in general compared to SPDY.
Http2 is only for SSL websites, or you remain on actual mode http1 ! If partial, http2 wil be activated for thoses SSL pages only
To know :
- To date, the most popular browsers have enabled HTTP2 support for SSL websites only !
- There is no future implementation project worldwide of support for non SSL websites ! SSL websites are the single future !
Read :
Verification SSL http2 on your SSL pages :
Comparisons :
https classic :
Spdy :
http2 :
If you use SSL partially or completely, you will in all cases get the confirmation that HTTP2 is enabled :
add in chrome extension named : HTTP/2 and SPDY indicator, go on your website, and click in toolbar the symbol 'stom' to see details...
You must be 100% SSL to benefit of http2 on all your website, or partiall ssl will combine with http1
Conclusion :
To be uptodate, to be under http2, you must be 100% SSL, not even SSL partial as your website, except client area where ssl is enabled by ex/), will remain http1 !
YOORshop gives you all included to proceed, why not giving the best to your visitors ?!!
Here are the steps :
Friday, April 29, 2016