Softaculous Prestashop

Prestashop e-Commerce Solution ble bygget for å dra nytte av viktige Web 2.0-innovasjoner som dynamiske AJAX-drevne funksjoner og neste generasjons ergonomi. PrestaShop guider brukere gjennom produktkatalogen din intelligent og uanstrengt, og gjør fascinerte besøkende til betalende kunder.  

Demo :  

Our hosting services are fully optimized for Prestashop, thanks to highest hardware quality NVMe SSD, and the use of best server softwares on earth.
You can have a look at the scheme of our high-performance servers :

Check also this article which deals with optimizing Prestashop speed :

OPcache is the best cache module, and is enabled by default for all. With app Softaculous within your cPanel, you will be able to install Prestashop in 2 clicks !

For offers Europe based, your service will be created by default on a French IP. You can ask us to switch to an IP located in 12 other countries in Europe :
Belgium, United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Poland, Italy, Portugal, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Ireland, Lithuania, Finland.

Check our offers where prices are proportional to resources allocated :

For USA Canada, check our lightening fast Nmve SSD server offers :